We popped in on a fellow catering Buzzie and ICA member John Homrighausen, aka J-Bar H, at his newest business venture, the Ranch Bakery.
Dianne visited with J-Bar in the kitchen where he was busy preparing the menu for a Tex-Tex-Mex that afternoon. The client wanted to give out of town guests from Pennsylvania a taste of Texas and Mexican food and the menu looked really good.
After the visit, we were leaving when John graciously gave us a pan of his famous cinnamon rolls, a pan of his fruit kolaches, and a big box of assorted kolaches, caramel apple hand pies, homemade pop tarts, and two huge Ding Dongs. After quickly putting it all on ice with the 100 plus degree heat we proceeded to do some shopping in the Houston area.
Later that evening we landed back at the Intercontinental, where we unpacked our treats. Wow, talk about a feast! We sampled a little of this and a little of that and today it all came back across the state line to Louisiana with us to share with our family.
Best Catered Events always appreciates fellow caterers that host our visits and J-Bar, well, you certainly gave us some Texas Sized Lagniappe! Thanks again, we will see you when you pass through the Baton Rouge area.